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Small business web design for Bamboo Gold Solutions

Small Business Web Design + Branding

Bamboo Gold Solutions

When this innovative startup was ready to pitch their business to potential investors, they reached out to us for small business web design and branding that captured their vision and presented it in a compelling way.



01. Research

Clarifying a Complex Idea

Before we could explain BGS’s sophisticated model of buying and trading blockchain-backed carbon credits, we needed to develop a nuanced understanding of cryptocurrencies and the carbon offset market. So in addition to several interviews with the BGS stakeholders, we did our own extensive research.

02. Design

Connecting with the Market

BGS needed a website that blended nature with tech in a way that resonated with the carbon offset consumer market. Essentially, we had to demonstrate the benefits of tokenizing carbon credits. We accomplished this through a series of custom graphics and infographics that explained each step in the process.

03. Build

Overcoming Obsticles

Because of their unique customization needs, we built BGS’s business website on a WordPress platform. While it was in its final stage of development, a mishap with their team resulted in the entire website being deleted. We were able to talk them through the process of restoring the site to ensure it still launched on time.

Ready to Launch Your Business?

Get a custom website design that connects with your market and accomplishes your unique business goals.


In addition to a website, BGS needed a brand guide they could show to potential investors that demonstrated that they had done the work of understanding their market and had developed a strategy to reach it. We merged their work into an engaging digital presentation that included brand colors, fonts, graphics, image standards, and audience personas.

BGS Brand Guide Investor Presentation

We Love it When a Small Business Succeeds!

And an engaging website will play a key role in your growth.

Download our FREE guide, 4 Things You Need to Do Before You Invest in a Website, and make sure you get this right!

Keep Exploring

Every website we build is unique – a custom design created specifically to reach your audience. Take a look around.